Monday, November 25, 2013

Cloud Nursery Decoration

A new addition arrived in the family a week and a half ago. Prior to his arrival, I made a few decorations for his room, one of which being a raincloud softie wall hanging. I've seen a few similar designs online, and thought I'd have a go at making my own.

 I've used all reclaimed material, sourced from opportunity shops; the coloured yarn, material, embroidery thread, sewing thread, even the sequins.

I've wrapped a stick from the yard in rainbow coloured yarn, and fabric-glued sequins onto each raindrop.

I didn't follow a pattern, just drew a cloud shape onto the back of a cereal box and raindrops to use as templates.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Free Chair Fabric Recover

I saw an ad on Gumtree giving away a high back white chair for free within a half hour drive of my house. I went to collect the chair to discover it was from an op shop sorting facility. The chair could not be sold due to a stain on the seat. In a quick half hour project, I have recovered the seat with some fabric from my thrifted fabric stash.

Feeling quite proud of my chair redo, and first ever home refashion!